Saturday 18 January 2020

QRP Sprint...

Tonight was the first of a series of QRP sprints being run by the Upper Canada QRP Club.  They are 2 hours in length, and are going to be held every 2 months, with the score being accumulative over the year.

This was the first event I have used my KX3 for since I bought it.   It performed very well, and I was very pleased with it.

Due to last weekends very high winds and bad ice storm, the only antenna I had available to use tonight was my 35.5' vertical wire feeding into a 4:1 balun.   It certainly wasn't the best antenna, it does need to be tweaked, but it did a good job tonight.

I managed to make seven 10w SSB contacts:  4 into Texas, 1 into Colorado, 1 into Ontario, and a great DX contact into the Cayman Islands with ZF2PG.  The last one made my night.  Given where we currently are in the solar cycle, I'm very pleased with the KX3 performance.

The propagation was definitely north-south for the most part.  The propagation numbers at 2030 UTC were:  SFI=71, SN=0, A Index=5, and the K Index=1.

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