The view from the portable shack. |
While we had great weather, hot and sticky is a good description for last Saturday out at Hay Bay. Don VE3MNE, and I, went out to his property, the one we use for Field Day, and tried to work the guys in Colorado up on the Colorado 14er's and those taking part in the Rocky Mountain Rendezvous.
At 1406 UTC the propagation numbers were, SFI = 69; SN = 0; A Index = 6; and the K Index = 2. We also suffered most of the day with very deep QSB on all bands.
20m seemed to be the band of choice, very little heard on 40m and 15m, but 6m was pretty active.
Not only did we work the Colorado SOTA operators, I also worked a couple of other interesting stations.
N1S, a special event station in Massachusetts at the
Derby Wharf Lighthouse, US-224.
WA5DTK, operating aboard the battleship, USS Texas, located at San Jacinto Battleground State Historic Site in Texas.
W6PNG, operating from SOTA summit W6/WH-008, located at the north end of Death Valley in Southern California.
Radio used that day was my FT-897D, and the antenna was a 80m OCF Dipole up at 90'.