This year we have changed the name from Chillycon to "Freezingcon". This was without a doubt the coldest Chillycon I have attended over the past 13 years.....but at the same time it was one of the few we had no rain over the weekend.Participant numbers was down from previous years, but we expected that with the Wuhan Flu going about. We had 6 from Kingston, 6 from Ottawa, and a visitor on Saturday from Quebec. Instead of the traditional Pizza supper on Saturday night, we had BBQ steak instead......and I think we now may have a new tradition 😎
Something new this year, I did two successful POTA activations from the park, and had a really great time doing them. Friday morning I was spotted on the POTA website and within seconds I had a pileup. It was the same on Saturday morning.
I operated from inside the van over the weekend due to the cold temperatures. It wasn't really comfortable and I'm going to have to rig up a portable operating position I can install and remove as needed.Radio was the KX3, and the antenna was my 20/40m linked dipole, set up for 40m..and where it stayed all weekend. I didn't even try 20m. My 33' MFJ mast finally failed when I took it down on Sunday morning. It's served me well over the past 14 years, but it was still not a pretty scene seeing it there broken.
The bands were not in the best condition over the four days, there was very deep QSB, and that made it harder for QRP stations such as myself. I still managed to put 24 QRP contacts in the log though, so I'm well pleased with that. The propagation numbers on Friday was: SFI=69, SN=0, A Index=4, and the K Index=2.
VA3AMX getting the trophy from VE3MNE
Of course the highlight of the weekend is the DX Contest, sponsored by the Upper Canada QRP Club. Over the past three years Eric, VA3AMX, has tried very hard to win the trophy......all with no success. He has tried hard, and has placed second a couple of times. This year, due to a lack of participants, the expert DXers amongst them, he won, with a DX contact to Bulgaria.....beating the second place station by 143 km. I'm going to assume that the Kingston Skunk Works and DG Engineering will be working overtime this winter on new antenna designs to be ready for next year.So that's it for another year. Hopefully we will be back to normal by next September and we can have a non-social distancing Chillycon with the numbers of participants back to normal numbers.
Stay safe out there!!