I recently bought a brand new G90 radio. While it's a great radio, and I really do like it, it doesn't fill the niche I thought it would. It's a bit heavy to throw in a backpack and hike to a POTA or SOTA site for my liking........your results may vary.
After using the G90 a couple of times I found it got very hot after operating for a while, so I bought the external cooling fan for it.....adding even more weight and bulk to the radio.
Now, I do have a reputation for packing more gear than I actually need. With that in mind I've decided to get rid of the G90, and replace it with a brand new FX-2CR, which will arrive next week. I'm hoping that with this small 20w radio I'll be able to finally get all my needed radio gear in a single small pack, and travel lightly.From all I have read, and the Youtube videos I have watched, this radio looks to be just what I'm looking for. It's not a replacement for my KX3, that radio is staying, but the FX-2CR is going to be a fantastic addition to my portable shack equipment.
Stay tuned for some field reports!
Stay Safe Out There!!