Friday, 5 May 2017

XM3CARF Special Event Station

The Frontenac Amateur Radio Club will be sponsoring the special event call sign XM3CARF to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Canadian Amateur Radio Federation (CARF), which was founded in 1967 in Kingston, Ontario.

CARF was Canada's first successful national amateur radio society and existed between 1967 and 1993, when it was unfortunately amalgamated with the Canadian Radio Relay League to form the Radio Amateurs of Canada.

CARF was founded by Art Blick VE3AHU, Doug Burrill VE3CDC, and Ken Rollison VE3CRL.  These three fine gentlemen are all now Silent Keys.  

XM3CARF will be active on SSB, CW and various Digital Modes throughout the month of June, and will sign off shortly after the RAC Canada Day Contest on July 1st.

A page for XM3CARF has been set up, and the Frontenac Amateur Radio Club are looking forward to working as many stations as possible during this event. 

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Operating Portable...

VE3FI Operating Position
Great day yesterday in Grafton.  The weather was fantastic...19C most of the day under beautiful blue skies.  We couldn't, in fact, have asked for a better day.

The bands on the other hand were not so good.  20m and 40m were the only bands we heard stations on, but while we could loudly hear Moldovan and Kuwaiti stations they couldn't hear us, and mainly worked Europeans.  There was a lot of very deep QSB on the bands.

I did manage to make three contacts, one in Ohio, another in New Jersey, and the third in Indiana.  While they were not DX, they did help prove my system works.

Antennas of the day were a Chillycon 31' vertical and a W3EDP.  There was also an 80m OCF dipole permanently up at the location next to the little operating shack they have there.  We put the analyzer on the antennas before we used them and they all checked out fine.

Radio in use was my FT-897D which I was using for the second time since I bought it.  A nice little radio that works as advertised.

Looking forward to more of this type of operating.

The VE3FI set-up

Don VE3MNE, Jim VE3ULC, and Don VE3UNA.

Portable digital station of VE3ULC

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Off to Grafton....

Off to a wood lot near Grafton, Ontario, tomorrow for a day of portable operating with VE3MNE & VE3ULC.  Hopefully the rain will hold off long enough for us to get a tarp ready and get the equipment set up.

The FT-897D will be the radio is use tomorrow as well as the 31' "Chillycon Special" vertical antenna.

Photo's of the day to follow...

Saturday, 15 April 2017

Ontario QSO Party

Getting set up here for the Ontario QSO Party, operating from the ever elusive Frontenac County.  It starts at 1800Z on Saturday, April 15th.

Rules can be found HERE.

Hopefully we will have better participation than we have had in the last few years.  This should be a pretty popular contest, especially for Rovers....even if the weather is forecasting rain for the weekend.

I did a little bit of 20m WSPR this morning, just warming up to see how the propagation was doing.  Not too bad in fact, a lot better than the last few days!!

This screen shot was taken at 1615 UTC, April 15th.

20m WSPR screen shot

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

A wasted weekend.....

There was a bit of SSB operating going on around here this weekend. The bands were not very good from my QTH. Noise levels were just high enough to be very frustrating and I never did manage to work any stations other than on 20 and 17 meters. Twenty was the best band of the day.

Sunday, I worked 20 and 30 … but PSK31 this time. There was a good mix of stations on, but primarily from the east coast and midwest. I worked them until the band petered out and then I just shut it all down, no use getting frustrated.

All in all, it was a good weekend, and it was a lot of fun. There are times it’s nice to have an indoor hobby, since this weekend was wet and even more wet.  But, it was better than the couple of feet of snow we had a couple of weeks ago! Oh, well … summer is just around the corner they tell me…..

Sunday, 26 March 2017

New Island Activations....

It looks like this years crop of Canadian Island Activations may end up being a rather good one. Every one on the list so far, will be a first time activation.

Here's a link to the Canadian Island Activators page (HERE), that shows what's been put on the table so far......and I haven't even submitted my list yet!!

These are not IOTA islands, these have their own unique Canadian number.  The link to the main page is HERE, it's well worth going over and seeing what has, and has not been, activated in your local area.  Many a warm summers day has been spent on one of the local islands answering a large pileup of operators all calling for you......there's been a few cold, wet, fall days as well!

Thursday, 23 March 2017

London 22 March 2017

Normally I don't do politics....BUT......

Monday, 13 March 2017

CQ WW WPX Contest

Coming up on March 25th & 26th, the CQ WW WPX Contest.   Always good for putting ton on DX in your logbook.   I'm hope to put a few more in my log after my disappointing time on the ARRL International DX Contest this year.

Hopefully the SFI will improve for that weekend and we have better conditions than the last contest.

Rules can be found HERE.

See you on the bands!!