Today started at 13C and once again under beautiful clear blue skies.
So last night I won a piglet.......yeah, a real, live. piglet at a 4H Club raffle. What does one do with a live piglet when you live in a city almost 4000 kms away? Well, you donate it back to the club so somebody who can't afford one can finally have one to raise and look after.....which is, after all, one of the roles of the 4H Clubs.
I did ask that the piglet be named "Derek", in memory of Derek, VE3HRW, a member of our radio club who died of cancer shortly before I started on my trip. Derek would have had a good laugh over that, and at the same time would be thrilled that in his memory we were helping a youngster out learning how to raise and take care of the piglet.
No 2m contacts were made today, but I only had repeaters in Arcola, Assiniboia, and Weyburn to give calls on. There are not very many repeaters in southern Saskatchewan.
The final destination today was Brandon, Manitoba, where I will spend the night in a hotel...on a real bed....and visit with an old air force buddy.
Tomorrow it's off to Ignace, Ontario.