Wednesday, 10 November 2021

In Remembrance...

In Loving Memory

of the 

Officers, NCO's, and Men


2816 Squadron, RAF Regiment

December 1941 - June 1946



Friday, 5 November 2021

Back At It...

It didn't look a good day to play radio today, this morning the propagation numbers were:  SFI=84, SN=28, A Index=69, and the K Index=3.  It was pretty noisy and there was lots of deep QRM.

By mid-afternoon the effect of the last CME on the propagation had started to settle it was off to play POTA.

It's a short drive from my house to Lemoine Point, VE-5141, and I set up the KX3 and 20m Hamstick upon arrival.  It took 27 minutes to get 25 contacts in the log, including EA1AF in Spain, W6KC in California, and K7SEN in Arizona.  I did not expect to make half the contacts I made, it was amazing the way they kept answering my QRZ.

I'm hoping that band conditions hold up all weekend so I can get a few more activations in.  I've done 87 activations so far this year, and my goal is to complete 100......13 to go!!

Here's a look at todays contact map....

Wednesday, 3 November 2021

K Index = 7 !!!

It's not often you get to see a K Index of 7 !!!!  I don't imagine the bands are going to be very good for the next few days.

Updated as of 1510 UTC, November 4th....still looking bad:

Sunday, 31 October 2021

Sunday Morning Propagation...

Well, the bands are still fun of screaming sign of the CME yet.

Here's the latest graph showing what is forecasted.

I guess it's a game of "wait and see".....but I'm off to do a POTA activation before things get really bad 😁

Saturday, 30 October 2021

Saturday Morning on 17m...

Not a very nice day here in Kingston this morning, it was 7C in heavy rain.  As soon as you stepped out of the front door the damp cold hit you.  But there was no  time to complain, I was off to do a POTA activation at Parrott's Bay, VE-5142, not very far from my home.

To be honest, I wasn't expecting much today after the X1 flare and CME warnings that we have had over the past two days.  However, the bands seemed to be in good shape, except for the million and a half rabid contesters all screaming "CQ Contest" on 20m and 40m.  

I knew I wouldn't stand a chance of being heard on either 20m or 40m, so I chose to activate on 17m, something I haven't done before.  

Today's propagation numbers were: SFI=112, SN=82, A Index=3, and the K Index=1.  Those numbers are down from yesterday, but not by much.

Even with the pouring rain it didn't take me very long to set up.  This was the first time I had used my 17m Hamstick so I was off in unchartered territory.  I was a bit worried as there was only two POTA stations on 17m when I started, so I didn't think my chances of being successful were too good.  

It worked great with my KX3 set at 10w.  First in the log was KP4RK in Puerto Rico, he was operating with 5w SSB, and we were 53 both ways.  Later I worked VE5XU, Clarence, in Yorkton, Saskatchewan, and it was 53 both ways as well.  

Tomorrow will be a day off from Radio, well, until at least the evening when the worse of the CME hit has blown through.  

Parrott's Bay from the air.

Today's contact map.

Friday, 29 October 2021

Propagation Has Exploded...

What a great morning I had today playing radio!!  The propagation news yesterday wasn't very good, apparently we had a X1 flare and an earth-bound CME.  The CME isn't expected to hit us till late Saturday, but the X1 flare sure messed things up.  So I didn't expect good results today at all.

I drove to the Frontenac Biosphere, VE-0023, and set up to do a POTA activation.  As usual I used my KX3 at 10w, and 20m Hamstick with a mag-mount on the roof of my van.  

What a surprise I had....first up was Joe, KI7IOC in Bend, OR, with a tremendous 59 signal, and he gave me a 53.  Then it was the turn of Heinz, VA7AQ, in Langley, BC, with another great 59 signal, and I received a 57 from him.  I then worked Raffaele, IK4IDF in Ravenna, Italy with a 58 signal, and he gave me a 55....which I was very happy to get.  Towards the end of my activation I worked Gerry, VE8GER, up in Inuvik, NT, and it was 44 both ways...but we had a small rag-chew before we said 73.  

I also worked stations in OR, CA, TN, FL, AR, AL, IL, and MN.  The log had 20 contacts in it when I went QRT.  My expectations of this activation was not very high when I left home today, so I was extremely surprised to have contacts where I did.

Propagation numbers this morning were:  SFI=113, SN=96, A Index=3, and the K Index=0.  A lot better than was advertised yesterday.  

We'll have to see what happens with the propagation tomorrow, and see if we can sneak in another POTA activation.

Today's map of contacts

Not looking good for the next few days!!

Updated Saturday morning, Oct 30th.

Monday, 25 October 2021

This Weekend...


I will be hiding out on 12m, 17m, and 30m activation parks for POTA.  

But you contesters have fun!

Sunday, 24 October 2021

A Great Day...

What an outstanding day on the bands it was, and weather wise it isn't bad either.  Listening on the repeater I heard the guys talking about how hot 40m was, so I packed my things and headed out the door to VE-0023, the Frontenac Biosphere.  

I have found that normally after you have worked 6 or 7 hunters the pile-up dries up and you need to re-spot yourself on POTA Spots to keep the traffic heading your way.  Not this morning!!  The pile-up didn't dry up until after I had 25 contacts in my log, and then a quick CQ POTA call brought in another 11 contacts.

So 36 contacts in the log in twenty-five minutes.  You can't beat that!  Radio, as usual, was my KX3 running 10w into a 40m Hamstick on the roof of my van.

Propagation numbers today were:  SFI=91, SN=32,  A Index=3, and the K Index=1.   It looks like things are picking up propagation wise.

So far this year I've done 86 POTA activations and logged over 2300 QSO's.  I'm hoping to have 100 activations completed by Christmas.

The weather this coming week doesn't look too promising, it's looking like rain every day, but I'm hoping to get at least another 2 activations in before the end of the month.

Todays QSO Map