I set my WSPR transmitter (on the left) up to transmit on 80m, 40, and 30m overnight, using 200mW. The antenna in use was a 80m EFHW, up at 45' in the maple trees, and using a 49:1 transformer.
Unusually for me, I did not record the propagation numbers for the evening. Oh well, there's always next time.
I was pleased to see stations reporting my signal from as far a way as Antartica...another first for me. 80m was not that good last night, in fact very few stations reported my signal. 40m was also so-so, but 30m was the big winner, all the DX reporting hearing me was for my 30m signal.
The next time the propagation goes in the toilet I'm planning on getting the WSPR beach on the air and see who can hear me in very poor conditions, I think that will be an interesting experiment.
Here's last night's WSPR reporting map:
Stay Well and Safe Out There!!