Saturday 11 October 2014

RAC membership and the Great Leader

Deciding whether or not to renew my RAC membership was an easy decision this year…..I didn’t, and let me explain why.

Last year I chose to get the electronic version of the TCA as it was a few bucks cheaper than the standard paper version.  Over the course of the past 12 months I have managed to download and read the grand total of one copy of the electronic version of the TCA, the rest wouldn’t even download, or they stopped half way through the download process and crashed.  I should point out at this time that I do have a new computer, not an old clunker that might have some issue downloading. 

Several times during the year I have contacted the RAC office and complained about not being able to download and read my electronic version of the TCA.  And of course in true RAC fashion, nothing was done about it, and no help was given at all….ever!!  I have heard from many other hams that they too have had issues downloading the electronic TCA, so it's not like this was just my issue.  I know RAC likes to keep their members in the dark, but this is ridiculous!!

Over the past four weeks I have received four emails from the RAC office, all of them informing me that my valued membership is about to expire and they hope I will continue to support them…..REALLY ?????   What about their support to ME ????    

At the same time I have been receiving these emails I have also received three renewal letters from the Great Leader, Comrade Bawden, the current appointed Grand Pooh-Bah of the RAC organization.  Each of these letters has cost RAC 75 Cents to mail out……why do I need three of them ??  I guess Comrade Bawden really does need my $$ to help pay for his junkets around the country shaking hands and kissing babies.

So the question is, just what tangible product did I receive last year for my $54.25 RAC annual membership fee??  Because from my point of view, and regardless of the bullshit propaganda in Comrade Bawden’s letters to me, my answer would have to be a loud and hearty SWEET FUCK ALL!!!

John Quincy Adams is quoted as saying "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader".    Comrade Bawden has inspired me to take a out a two year membership with the ARRL.   Thank you Great Leader for showing me the way.

Thursday 2 October 2014

Section Manager Resigns!

It came as a bit of a shock on the morning of October 1st to read that George Duffield, VE3WKJ, had resigned his RAC appointed position as the Section Manager of the GTA. 

It’s no secret amongst those who closely follow the ARES goings on that George Duffield was the only one of the three current Ontario Section Managers who seemed to have his head screwed on properly, and he certainly wasn’t full of some are.

I’ve spoken with George many times on the phone, and he always struck me as intelligent, full of knowledge and common sense, and an absolute gentleman.  He is exactly the type of ham we need as one of our Section Managers.

George was proactive in his leadership style, and certainly didn’t seem to have any issues with getting people to do the jobs he needed doing….I would have worked for him in a heartbeat if I lived in the GTA and had been asked to help.

This is yet another abject failure of the RAC senior leadership team to step in and get things sorted out before it reached this result, and they wonder why RAC is imploding.

Thank you very much for your dedicated service George, you'll be greatly missed.

Sunday 21 September 2014


What a fantastic QRP weekend!!  Most of the usual crowd assembled for this years Chillycon at the beautiful Rideau River Provincial Park, a 30 minute drive south of Ottawa.  This was the last weekend the park is open this year, so it was very quiet there, not too many people there at all.

The weather Friday night was cold, it went down to about 4C.  Saturday night it rained a bit and the temperature hovered around 17C.  However, Michael VE3WMB, and Ying VA3YH, both arrived on Thursday and told us that Thursday night was terribly cold, and that we had the warm nights!

VA3QV's mobile Shack
The highlight of course was that Bob VA3QV did in fact arrive safely in his new "Mobile Love Palace".   Not much room in it, but it's fine for what he want's to do with it......and it will give him another project to work on.  Bob had an exciting weekend, he spent a few moments trying to teach his FT-817 to fly.......but perhaps we could entice him to post a blog entry on his own Blog to describe what happened with the airborne 817!!  It was really good seeing him and Liz there.

The radio in use this weekend, keeping with the QRP theme, was my Icom 703.  I used a 31' wire erected in an inverted 'L' as my antenna.  The antenna went up only 20' and then 11' over to a tree.  Not the best of antennas, but I had some success with the DX over the weekend using it.

The 10 screaming watts of the IC-703 netted me HK3C, John in Bogota, Columbia; 9A9RR, Petar on Pucisca Island (EU-016), Croatia; SV3AQR, John in Patra, Greece; HA3NU, Laszlo in Szekszard, Hungary; and OP2A, Ivo in Boortmeerbeek, Belgium.  These stations as well as a dozen North American stations made it a successful weekend.

VA3ORP's portable bar
As usual Dave VA3ORP, and his valet Chris VE3CBK, erected their bell tent, complete with Persian carpet, cots, and all sorts of other creature comforts....including a portable bar!  You just never know what these QRP guys will get up to next!

Saturday was a great day weather wise.  Very comfortable temperature, the only downside was the fact that the mosquitoes were all in full force, which made things just a little itchy.

The annual DX completion started as soon as Eric VA3AMX arrived on Friday, at 1911 local that evening we thought Eric had won the contest with an early CW contact with a Mongolian station, a tie ensued an hour later when Michael VE3WMB also had a CW contact with the same Mongolian station.  BUT, in a surprising development, on Saturday evening, Chris VE3CBK, has a SSB QSO using his FT-817, with a VK3 station.  Five watts to Australia on a 70 year old Radio Set No. 19 antenna ain't too shabby any day!!  Congratulations to Chris on winning this years honour.

The Chillycon Survival Kit:  Analyzer, spare parts box,
and a mug for the Scotch!
Details of VA3VDP's radial plate.
We held our traditional Pizza supper on Saturday evening, and managed to get it over before the rain started.  Numerous bottle of single malt were in attendance, and all of it was mighty fine stuff.

Sunday morning nine of us trooped off to the New Rideau Restaurant, just down the road from the Provincial park for a great breakfast.  It's under new management since we were there last year (It was called "Charlie's Place" then).  The food was excellent and a decent price. 

So it's all over for another year.  It was a great shame that more of the local QRPers didn't get out this year, even the number of Saturday afternoon visitors was down.  I saw only Bob VE3MPG and Chris VE3CME.  I say it every year, Chillycon is a great educational weekend, and this year was no different.

It was really great to see everyone again, and as usual the sense of fraternity was outstanding.  Hopefully next year we will see a lot more of the QRP fraternity out at this event.

Thursday 18 September 2014


VA3QV & VA3ORP arrive at Chillycon 2014
Yet another Ottawa Valley QRP Society Fall Camping Weekend, known as Chillycon, is upon us. 

This coming weekend, starting Friday afternoon, QRP fanatics from all over Eastern Ontario descend upon Rideau River Provincial Park for this annual gathering.  The park is just across the Rideau River from Kemptville.

Always a great time, this will be my sixth year attending this event.  Not once have I ever returned home without learning something about radios or antennas.  It's a really great time, educational, and the company is fantastic.  It really is a fixed event on our calendar these days.

A lot of the participants come for the whole weekend, others just come for Saturday afternoon as well as the single malt whiskey and traditional pizza supper we hold.  If you're planning on bringing any whiskey to the blended stuff !!

Four of us from Kingston, VE3MNE, VA3ORP, VA3VDP and myself, will be attending this year. 

As usual Bob, VA3QV will be there.  This year Bob will be bringing, on it's inaugural trip, his new (to him) RV......we've christened it "Bob's Mobile Love Palace"'s will follow!!

Hopefully the weather and propagation will behave themselves.  I'm going full out this year to beat Eric, my arch rival, for the "Upper Canada Cup for QRP DX Excellence at Chillycon" if we could just afford to buy the trophy things would be really great!!

Stay tuned for the post-event wrap-up.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

September ARRL VHF Contest & SOTA Weekend....

The September ARRL VHF Contest is coming up this weekend, September 13 - 15. 

I'm going to try and take part in it, not sure for how long, but we will give it a try.  The Rules can be found HERE.

The problem we have here in Kingston is that we have very few clear high points that we can operate from, and for a VHF contest, you need some height.
Also this weekend is the annual North American SOTA Weekend.   This event is a casual event involving portable battery-powered radios on mountain summits. It is not a contest but is intended to introduce “Summits on the Air” to newcomers with home stations who try to work summit operators during one or two days. There are no rules regarding power levels, modes or number of bands worked, but please be courteous when more than one station is trying to talk to a SOTA operator on a summit.

The SOTA operators can be found on the usual QRP frequencies.

Hopefully the weather and propagation will be on our side for these events.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Eastbound - Day Seven

The Bonnechere Valley
I was on the road by 0730 this morning under....wait for it......brilliant blue skies!!!  Well, it would be a nice day, it's my last one on the road for this trip!!

Highway 17 was a real pain today, lots of construction and widening of the highway.  It was stop and go for quite a while.  Eventually the construction disappeared and the road became a scenic ride.

First stop today was CFB Petawawa to visit a number of friends.  First up was a group of women that I used to work with in Kingston that have all been posted to "downtown" Petawawa.  It was great getting to catch up with them.  Then it was off too see my old Sergeant Major to drop off a package to him.  Had a great visit with everyone, and a new project handed to me.....all is good.

From Petawawa I drove down Highway 17 to Highway 41, turned south, and enjoyed the drive down through the Bonnechere Valley.  What a great drive, over 150 km of freshly paved road that was as smooth as a babies bum!  This had to be the best day's drive of the trip.

Just south of Kaladar I finally switched to the VE3FRG repeater and gave a call.  Lots of the guys in there calling me, Richard VA3VDP, Tim VA3TIC, Mark VE3EOG, and a few others.  It was nice to be back on the home repeater, at least here you know somebody will answer you on it.

Grand total of km's driven was 12,653 - I haven't tallied up how much I spent on gas....I'm almost afraid to!  2m repeater contacts were made in every province, and the portable HF gear worked as expected.

All in all, a great to start planning that trip to the east coast.......

Eastbound - Day Six.....

Hey, it's raining....are you surprised???   It was a very long day today, 11 hours driving, Terrace Bay to North Bay - 913 Km.  There was lots of construction on the road today, I think every bridge is being rebuilt or improved.

Stopped for coffee and breakfast in White River this morning and met a very interesting gentleman.  Jack was an airline pilot for over 40 years and has retired to White River.  He recognized my ham plates and wanted to know how he can get his license.  A big package will be mailed off to Jack with study material soon.

Of course White River is a pretty famous town in Canadian history.  It was here that in 1914 Captain Harry Colebourn stepped off his troop train as it stopped for coal, and purchased an orphaned bear cub........and that bear came to be known as Winnie the Pooh. 

The drive today was through miles and miles of rolling hills covered with forest. 

White River
Not sure what was going on around Massey and Espanola but there were no campsites or motel rooms available.  So, I kept driving towards Sudbury, and eventually pulled into North Bay around 2030 hrs.  A really long day on the road.

There are very few 2m repeaters on the north shore of Lake Superior and as usual no contacts were made today on the radio. 

Tomorrow I'm heading to Petawawa to meet up with some people, should be an interesting day.

Saturday 6 September 2014

Eastbound - Day Five.....

Lake Superior at Terrace Bay
Another rain free driving day, looks like I've left the wet stuff far behind.

This morning I left Aaron Provincial Park after a pretty wet night.  The tent is soaked, but all the other gear is fine.  The rain stopped around 0400.

The goal for tonight is Terrace Bay, about 540 Km away.  I drove through miles of forest today, and the road was in excellent condition.

Just outside of Ignace a small car passed me, and as it went by I noticed it had ham plates on.  I put out a call on the Ignace repeater but had no luck.  Then about five minutes later Glenn-VE3CJG called me on 146.52 simplex.  He was driving home from a visit to BC with his wife, Sandra-VE3HON.  The funny thing is Glenn and Sandra live in Belleville, about 80 Km from me.

We all stopped for coffee together in Upsala, where the price of gas today was an eye opening $1.69.9 !!

Terrace Bay has its very own Lighthouse in the middle of the town, needless to say it was on the air tonight even though it's a fake one and has no number.

Terrace Bay Lighthouse
Tomorrow I'm off to Massey, Ontario, for the night.  Hopefully the rain will continue to go else where.

Friday 5 September 2014

Eastbound - Day Four.....

It was a very strange day didn't rain!!  Brandon was already far in the rear view mirror by 0730 as I wanted to make the best of the good weather.

The roads today were the best I have driven on all trip.  The scenery was great, I went from the grass lands to the north woods, and 580 Km later I arrived in downtown Dryden, Ontario. 

The final destination was Aaron Provincial Park, 18 km east of Dryden.  It's a nice and clean park, but there's no cell phone service, so back into Dryden I went to Tim Horton's to text home that I had arrived safely.

I'm hoping that the rain is behind me now and I'll have great camping weather ahead of me.

Today I put calls out on the Brandon, Austin, Portage, Elie, Headingley, Hadashville, Falcon Lake, Kenora, and Dryden repeaters......and no contact was made on any of them....Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Eastbound - Day Three.....

The Cypress Hills on a dry day
Anyone want to guess what the weather was today?  It rained.....all day, all 768 Km of it.  It was a cool 8C when I loaded up the truck this morning.

It was a fairly routine trip down the highway until we got to Waldeck, SK, where a large CP Rail train derailed.  There must have been 50 cars laying on their sides in the slough that runs along the track....or what was left of the track.

I was in Moose Jaw for lunch and met up with an old friend of mine, who although we email on a regular basis, we haven't seen each other for 10 years.  I got the grand tour of the town, it's quite the place really.  Bit disappointing though as the weather kept the aircraft from CFB Moose Jaw grounded today.

On the way through Regina I managed a long QSO with Summer, VE5SDH, and she was my only contact all day on 2m.  No response was had on the Swift Current, Moose Jaw, Wolseley, or Moosomin repeaters.  Perhaps better luck tomorrow in Brandon.

Tonight's stop is Virden, MB.  A nice little town spread out along Hwy 1.  No HF happened tonight as I had to drive past the sched time, but I will be on tomorrow night from Brandon.  We'll see if 17m does the job.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Eastbound - Day Two......

The Roger's Pass on a nice day
Today dawned glorious......and raining!!  Yet another rainy day on the road.  I left Golden, BC, at 0800 local, after having a bite to eat at the Tim Horton's.

Even though it was raining and the low clouds ruined the views, the scenery through the Roger's Pass was still spectacular.  Once through Roger's Pass a short time later you enter the Kicking Horse Pass, another high mountain pass with totally spectacular scenery.

I stopped for lunch and a bit of fuel in Banff.  It's still a pretty little town, even if Parks Canada are a pain in the ass there.

No 2m traffic was heard in Golden, Lake Louise, Banff, or Canmore.  BUT, a contact was made in Calgary.  VE6CCL, Rob, answered by CQ, and we talked for quite some time.  It's always nice to be talking to a local when driving through a strange town.

I made the second 2m contact of the day in Bassano, Earl, VA6RF, kept me company on the repeater for a while.  Earl tells me that the Bassano repeater is really underused.  Well, I can point to him a pile of other repeaters that don't seem to have any traffic on them as well.

Going to attempt an HF contact with some of the Kingston stations tonight at 2000 local Kingston time.  I'll see who I can talk to, or who I can hear.

Tomorrow the night stop will be Moose Jaw.

Eastbound - Day One....

Coquihalla Highway north of Merritt
Left Abbotsford this morning after saying goodbye to the family.  It was great to see everyone, and kinda hard to leave.

Weather, as usual when I'm on the road, was RAIN!!  In fact it rained, and rained heavily, all day.

I did actually make a contact on the VE7RVA repeater in Abbotsford, just after I left.  Unfortunately I did not write down the callsign or name of the gentleman who answered my call.  But that short QSO gives me at least one 2m QSO in every province I've been through.

The trip took me over the Coquihalla Highway, where the weather was pretty bad and cold.  Lunch was in Kamloops and dinner in Golden, BC.  The accommodation's were first class tonight, the gear crowed back of the truck in a Tim Horton's parking stars and not recommended!!

Apart from the contact on the Abbotsford Repeater, no other contacts were made all day.  The repeaters were very quiet, as was 146.52 simplex.

Tomorrow I'm going to try and make it to Medicine Hat, AB.

Friday 29 August 2014

Lighthouse Activation.....

Point Atkinson
Plans are underway to activate the Point Atkinson Lighthouse, CAN-400 this coming Monday, September 1st.

Timings will be 1800 UTC till 2200 UTC.

Frequencies will be 7.250 and 14.250 to 14.260 -/+

Callsign in use will be VE3FCT/VE7.

Give a listen and hope the propagation is working.....

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Day Eight .......

The Keremeos Valley
Last day on the road today, and after all the rain and crappy weather I've had on the way across, today dawned bright and clear.  The final push to the coast was done under brilliant blue skies.

The drive from Grand Forks to the Coast was spectacular.  There was a good number of large hills and the old truck strained at times, but we made it.   I stopped for lunch in Keremeos, and then continued down the highway through Manning Park, Hope and Chilliwack.  Lots of changes to the road since the last time I was through this country.

Once again today I had no response to any of my calls on the local repeaters through the communities along highway 3.  So that means no 2m repeater contacts the whole width of BC.  Pretty sad!!

Plans are in the work to activate Point Atkinson Lighthouse and one of the local islands over the long weekend.  More details to follow.

Friday 22 August 2014

Day Seven .......

It was a long day today, Fernie to Grand Forks.....with a small detour to Trail to see, Ann, an old family friend of my mother's.  I had not heard from Ann for over 30 years...until today...I found her, and had a great catch-up with her. 

Guess what? rained all day again.  I'm getting use to this "summer weather" I've been driving through.

The worst part of the day was driving the Salmo-Creston Summit.  It's 1781m at the top, and it's a heck of a drive to get up there!  The actual worst part was the drive down.  It's an 8% grade downhill for 15km, and then a further 6% grade for 6 Km.  My brakes sure took a kicking today!

A quiet day radio wise, once again I had no contacts on any of the 8 repeaters I called into, nor did I get a response on .52 simplex. 

My night spot tonight is Grand Forks and tomorrow afternoon I should be at my destination.

Day Six .......

The Cypress Hills
Rained all night in Swift Current and first thing in the morning I continued the journey to Bow Island, AB, and drove the 250 Km in the rain.  No contacts made on any of the three 2m repeaters in Swift Current.

The country between Swift Current and Lethbridge is a combination of cattle and grain.  Everyone seems to drive a pick-up truck and wear a big hat.....but there's some great scenery through the Cypress Hills.

Finally a 2m contact going through Medicine Hat, on the VE6HAT repeater.  I had a quick QSO with John-VE6KEE.  I had just passed the first sign for Bow Island and I had a great contact, Denis-VE6AGE on .52 simplex!!   This was the first simplex contact for the whole trip.  Denis, originally from Hearst, Ontario, "doesn't do repeaters" and hangs out on the simplex frequencies.  Had a great QSO until I was just about out of range, great to make that contact!

Arrived in Fernie, BC, late that afternoon.  First time "home" in BC in ten years.

The best sight of the day was not any of the scenery I drove through, it was in Medicine Hat, and here it is:

$1.08.9 a litre !!!!

By the way, did I mention they are calling for wet snow through Banff and Canmore tonight ???  Hmmm...........

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Day Five.....

Assiniboia River Valley
I hit the road pretty early today.  I wasn't feeling too well and wanted to get to the Clinic in Carlyle, SK, to see what was up.  The clinic was closed so I had to continue to Arcola, SK, and went to the emergency room there.  It turns out I drank some un-potable water....of course there were no signs to tell you this.

Just as I left Redvers another huge lightning storm hit with very heavy rain, and that lasted about until noon.  The rest of the day was nice, blue skies and a bit of heat.

The scenery around Assiniboia is spectacular.  This was the best of the trip so far.  There's a huge green valley just before you get to town and from the ridge line you can see for 30 km.  Just fantastic.

Gas prices have been holding steady at $1.26 for the past two days.

It's been a long day, and bad weather is coming in again, so I have detoured to Swift Current for the night and grabbed a motel.

Once again there were no 2m repeater contacts made, and nothing on 146.520 simplex either.  I hit every repeater along the route, and nothing but silence was heard.  I thought I might have made a contact in Weyburn, but that repeater is dead too.

Tomorrow I hope to make it to Fernie, BC.  Can't wait to see the mountains again.

Day Four......

Started the day trying to get out of Kenora.  There is so much road construction under way it's detour city, at the moment.   Very nice little town, and as usual heard no traffic on the local 2m repeater, nor were my calls answered.

However, I did get a call back from John-VE4OL on the Hadashville repeater, just before Winnipeg.  John told me that he heard my call on his scanner but didn't think it was that repeater, as nobody has heard a call on it for over a year!!!!  Why keep it up then??  A big thanks to John for keeping me company for a while.

Not much to see on he road to Winnipeg except trees and more trees.  About 100 km from Winnipeg it started to get very foggy, and that fog stayed with me until I was about 30 km past Winnipeg on Hwy 2.

Once the fog lifted the scenery was great, wide open prairie, just miles and miles of wheat fields.

The destination today is Redvers, Saskatchewan, a small town of about 100 people who have a neat municipal campground on the edge of town.  This campsite is very clean and very well maintained.  It was very expensive.....$10 for the night.  You can't miss the place, it's by the carved HUGE Mountie sitting on his horse, it's a good 30' tall.

After supper I set up the HF gear with the 31' vertical as the antenna, and managed to work Tim-VA3TIC, Ron-VE3GO, Dave-VE3DZE, and Don-VE3MNE, all the boys from Kingston.  It was great to hear their voices on the air.  Signals were 56 to 58 but there was a bit of QSB.

Later in the evening about 10:00 PM, you could see a huge lightening storm off to the west of us.  I got everything ready for when it hit, and hit it did about 6 hours later.  High winds and tonnes of rain.  I survived and managed to stay fairly dry in the back of the truck.
Off to Gull Lake, SK, tomorrow.

Monday 18 August 2014

Day Three.....

Rainbow Falls campsite
A wet and a cold start to the day at Rainbow Falls Provincial Park.   It's a pretty nice park, very clean and well laid out.  The only issue is that the main train tracks are about 200m from the park, and we had train noise most of the night.

The whole trip today was done in fog and drizzle, so I didn't get to see too much.  Well, I did get to see about 5 million trees......

Now, some people may find this hard to believe, but the price of gas in Upsala at noon today was..........................$1.59.9!!!!  Needless to say I didn't gas up, I just pushed on to Dryden were the price was a more believable $1.28.9.

And another pleasant surprise today was an actual 2m contact!!  Yes, it's true, the guys in Dryden are actually very active on their repeater.  I had a great QSO with Scott-VA3EXT on the way through town.  Scott told me about the extensive repeater system they have here in the North West Ontario.  Have a look at THIS page to see the details.

Tomorrow night I'll be in Redvers, Saskatchewan.  Hopefully the weather will be better.

Sunset over Superior

Day Two......

Day two of the trip started out with beautiful skies and a cool temperature.  After packing up and leaving Massey, I headed for the Town of Spanish about 15 minutes up the road and had breakfast at the Spanish River Inn...highly recommended if you're in Spanish.

After breakfast it was off to Echo Bay an hour up the road, and an eyeball QSO with Dave-VE3EGC.  Dave and I have been chatting on the Trans-Provincial Net (TPN) for many years, but we had never met.  We have now!  Thanks to Dave and his XYL Jacki for a great time socializing and touring his extensive antenna farm....and then, all too soon, it was back on the road to Rainbow Falls Provincial Park....717 km away.

Dave will take your check-ins on the TPN - phone or CW - Monday and Tuesday, 1400 to 1500 UTC on 7.055....tell him VE3CLQ sent you.

Once again, other than Dave talking me into his QTH, not a soul was heard on any of the 2m repeaters along the way, not even in the Sault.

The scenery along the north shore of Lake Superior is fantastic!   The price of gas was out of this world at $1.49.9 in White River.  Lots of construction on the roads and too many retarded drivers to even mention....and not an OPP car to be seen all day.

After 10 hours of driving the tired truck and driver pulled up at the park, set up camp and went to sleep.

Saturday 16 August 2014

First day is done

We're 682 km closer to our destination right now.  Not much to write about today except that it rained, heavily, for most of it.   Most expensive gas put in the tank today was $1.51 a litre, and that was at French River on Hwy 69 North.

On the way here I monitored several 2m repeaters, Belleville, Trenton, Uxbridge, Lindsay, Orillia, Parry Sound, Alban, and Sudbury.  Not a thing was heard on any of them, and nobody answered my calls on them. One can't help wonder why we have so many 2m repeaters when nobody seems to use them??

The weather looks better tomorrow so hopefully I will have a more interesting day. 

Tomorrow will be a 670 km day, ending at Rainbow Falls Provincial Park, which is just past Schreiber on Hwy 17 West.

Friday 15 August 2014

And......we're loaded

Tomorrow morning the VE3CLQ wagon rolls westward with a planned departure time of 0700 local. 

Today was a busy one with the final preparations being carried out and finally loading the truck. I wasn't sure how it was all going to fit in to be honest, between the camping gear and the radio gear there's a lot of gear.  Anyway, it's all loaded and there's plenty of room left.

The destination for tomorrow night is Chutes Provincial Park near Massey, Ontario.  That's about 98 Kms west of Sudbury.  So far the weather forecast isn't the greatest but we always hope for the best!

The route tomorrow will be East on Hwy 1 to Hwy 12 North to Hwy 400 / 69 North, and eventually to Hwy 17 West.  I'll be monitoring all the 2m repeaters between Kingston and Massey along the route, as well as 146.520 simplex. 

And.................we're off!!

The Solar Panel in action.