Propagation wasn't the best, in fact the numbers never changed all weekend. They were: SFI=68, SN=0, A Index=5, and the K Index=2. Those numbers, coupled with the deep QSB issue, made life pretty miserable.....especially for we QRP operators.
Looking back on the weekend it was probably a bad decision to opt to run QRP, but you know, somebody has to do it 😀
Once again, as with the big ARRL DX contest two weeks ago, the "Tuner Uppers" were out in force - making it even more difficult to complete an exchange under the marginal conditions we had. I just don't get why people need to tune up right on frequency instead of moving off 5 or 10 kc. It's just ignorant to be honest.
One other thing, I didn't hear anyone working split this weekend, and I can't figure out why.
I managed to make contacts on 80m, 40m, 20m, and 15m on Saturday, but on Sunday 15m was dead and not a sound was heard on it here. 20m became the 'go to' band on Sunday.
There seemed to be very few European stations on this weekend. I heard no Scandinavian, Baltic, or UK fact there were a lot of stations I normally work in big contests that where missing. I'm hoping it was the lousy propagation and not the current pandemic that was the cause of that.
I have to say how amazed I am to have heard so many operators, in the middle of a big contest, take the time to wish us well and to stay safe. It was so nice to hear.
Hopefully life will get back to normal shortly, but until then....stay safe and take no chances!!