Friday, 21 March 2025

Another Portable Activation...

Today was a warm -2C under brilliant blue skies, spring must have arrived! Most of the snow around here has melted and faded away, which is fine by me.

Propagation wasn't too bad, SFI=170, SN=178, A Index=6, and the K Index=2. There was however, some very bad QSB on signals. Once again it was the KX3, and Hamsticks, and the location was VEFF-2986, Parrotts Bay Conservation Area. It was to be a WWFF activation today.

First up today was Rui CT1ERY, and he was followed very quickly by YY4EBD, G8IBR, G6ZVL, GW0RMB, SQ2WKQ, OH3RM, OH1MM, and SP9RXP. These contacts were all made on 10m. I switched to 15m and made a number of contacts to the southern US States.

A number of LIDS were out today, tuning up on top of me, whistling into their mic's, and generally being idiots. These antics, and the deep QSB, certainly didn't make it easy to make the contacts. I ended up moving frequencies a couple of times to get away from them, but they always seem to follow me down the band.

This weekend I'm planning on activating a couple of never before activated VEFF parks a little further north than I usually go, but the weather looks good enough to get it done. That will be a write up for next week.

Here's todays contact map:

Stay Safe Out There!!

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