February around here is normally a very quiet month, and this year seems to be no different. Of course I'm talking about amateur radio here....not trucker convoys causing mayhem across the country.
I was out a few days ago, using my KX3 and my 20m EFHW. To be honest, I didn't notice any difference between using the EFHW with a 20m Hamstick, the end result seemed to be exactly the same. In fact if you overlay todays map with a map from last week, or even last month...they look pretty much the same.
Temperature wise it's actually warmed up to a balmy -3C here, although I'm sure we are going to get hit with another round, or two, of snow before the end of March. It was quite comfortable doing my last POTA activation, I really didn't feel too cold at all. The older you get the harder it seems you handle the cold.
This year, I am planning on taking part in the ARRL International SSB DX Contest. This is being held on the weekend of March 5th & 6th. I will do this contest QRO with my FT-950, as I think it will be a waste of time running QRP. The Rules for this contest can be found HERE.
Stay warm and safe out there !!