Not a bad day on the radio. At time there seemed to be more foreign stations calling "CQ Canada Winter Contest" than Canadian stations....and it was great to see the international participation !!
I managed to work everywhere but Nova Scotia, Nunavut, and the North West Territories. Not a peep out of those guys at all which really surprised me......well, no Nova Scotia stations surprised me, the other guys I know are laying on a beach in Florida like they were last year when I didn't work them either. Once again I did not manage to work Bob, VA3QV, but I do know he was on the air as I heard him working a station at 1700 UTC on 10m, we just never managed to meet up.
The new Heil Pro Set Elite headset worked very well, it's a bit tight on the head so I'm hoping it will loosen up with a bit of use and get use to my large head.
Radio of the day was the FT-950 and the antennas were the 80m OCF Dipole and the 15m Hamstick mounted on an 11' high painter pole........worked like a charm.
Band conditions were not too bad. A bit of QSB here and there. We started the contest with SFI = 143, SN = 100, "A" Index = 15, and "K" Index = 4.
And so ends the 2014 Contest Year........
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