I managed to spend a few hours Sunday morning down in the local park testing out an antenna and chasing POTA Stations...it was very relaxing.
It was not really a good day, propagation wise, to be out playing portable radio. The numbers looked terrible. SFI=73, SN=0, A=26, K=2. It was only later after I got home that I saw the numbers had actually got a lot worse.
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The other two contacts of the day were N8LEK and KC9IL, both stations were in Michigan, and done on 40m.
I answered many more but the KX3 and 10w just didn't cut it that day. I did manage a "contact" of sorts with Steve, WG0AT on top of Mt Herman, Colorado. I answered his CW CQ, he sent back my callsign, and then my key decided to stop working!! I sent an email to Steve when I got home explaining what happened, and he was very gracious about it.
The antenna in use was what I call the "Whiskey Goat". It was built using dimensions sent to me by Steve, WG0AT a year or so ago. It is a 45.5' radiator and a single 17' radial. It allows me to operate on all bands from 40m to 6m, and I have even made an 80m contact with it. It's made with 26 gauge wire and weights nothing. The KX3 tuner has no issues with it at all.
Stay safe out there!!
From the past posts and this one I would say you have become a POTA fan! It's sure does make a differance when you are spotted and become like rare DX.
Mike, I'm a big fan of POTA. There are not too many SOTA. Summits around here, so this gives me something to do.
Bill VE3FI